6 Top Ways to Cut Down Your Wash Day Time
Wash day is often a dreaded day for curlies, most of us think about missing out half of our day just to get our curls washed, styled and dried (if we are lucky, low porosity girls know the dry time can take longer).
But why should we have to continue to live this way, life is for living and enjoying and of course you want your curls to be popping while you got out but it shouldn't have to take you hours before they do.
Well look no further we have 6 top tips to cut down your wash time to be able to wash your hair, you could cut your time down to around an hour, and we have some tool suggestions to help you do it!
Reducing Your Wash Day Time:
Deep condition for the time stated on the packaging normally between 5-30 minutes
Believe it or not deep conditioning your hair for 2 hours or more, even overnight, doesn't mean your curls will be extra moisturised. Shock I no. But most deep conditioners should work instantly, most packaging will recommend you leave it on your hair from anywhere between 5-30 minutes. Listen to this, don't spend all day deep conditioner, also it can actually be bad for your hair as it can lead to hygral fatigue.
So remember to read the recommended deep conditioning time and same for conditioning if you choose to do this instead.
To deep condition use our Curl Bands for £3.99, they are water proof and super stretchy.
Deep condition in the shower or use slight heat for deep penetration in a shorter time
For those low porosity curlies this will support your cuticles to open up and for the deep conditioner penetrate the hair shaft in a short amount of time. You can either do this with a steamer, hot cap that you put in the microwave or cap that attaches to your blow dryer- use on a low heat. Why not try:-
Hot Head Cap available at house of curls £29.99
Hairflair Softhood £14.95
Plan your wash day and time
We have all been there when we have quickly rushed in our wash day, this might mean we have had to come home earlier as we know we have work, school or an event tomorrow and we won't have time the next day.
Where possible plan out your week, this will mean you give yourself time to do your hair without rushing and you won't have to miss out or cut down your time doing other things.
Routine is key, plan our your week where possible.
Wash your hair earlier in the day where possible.
If you prefer to air dry your curls this one is for you, where possible wash your hair earlier in the day this will allow time for your curls to naturally air dry while you are out.
Also wash your curls earlier means more time to do the other things you enjoy rather than rushing in the evening as you won't have to cut your plans short to get back in time to wash your hair.
Detangling with conditioner
For many reasons it is important to detangling your hair with conditioner/deep conditioner, one it allows the product to be evenly distributed on your strands, it reduces breakage, frizz and reduces the time spent detangling your hair. As your detangling with conditioner the slip from the conditioner should allow your curls to glide through your detangling tools and get out those knots.
Watch our video on instagram to know the our 6 top combs and brushes for curly hair and why.
Diffuse your curls
Many naturals have opted from diffusing this cuts down hair drying time but with a diffuser it supports to reduce damage as most use it on a low heated setting with the heat not being directly on your curls, but also reduces the air flow meaning less frizz and knots meaning shorter detangling time and a shorter wash day.
Remember- heat protectant can be benefical if you do choose to diffuse your hair to give that extra layer of protection.
Watch Bianca Renee Today videos on DIFFUSING VS. AIR DRYING